Friday Night Translights
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Win/Loss Summary

PlayerLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey291664.44%
Angela Pecora121840.00%
Audrey Bonsignore111936.67%
Barry Schwartz291172.50%
Brian Nalley91636.00%
Eric Holniker12860.00%
Francis Parks202050.00%
George Arfken232251.11%
Gregg Giblin162440.00%
James Hudson61430.00%
Joe Kenney111444.00%
Joe Kosack171848.57%
Joe Kotche132237.14%
Jose Chong192147.50%
Justin Bath281270.00%
Molly Reisman202544.44%
Rob Thomas221855.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox132237.14%
Sarah Halik141646.67%
Scott Sidley291664.44%
Shawn Hillman232251.11%
Stephanie Traub202050.00%
Stephen Jonke221855.00%
Todd Yoder172342.50%

Win/Loss by Player

Jump to - Alex Jeffrey - Angela Pecora - Audrey Bonsignore - Barry Schwartz - Brian Nalley - Eric Holniker - Francis Parks - George Arfken - Gregg Giblin - James Hudson - Joe Kenney - Joe Kosack - Joe Kotche - Jose Chong - Justin Bath - Molly Reisman - Rob Thomas - Rob Wintler-Cox - Sarah Halik - Scott Sidley - Shawn Hillman - Stephanie Traub - Stephen Jonke - Todd Yoder

Alex Jeffrey

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Angela Pecora50100.00%
Barry Schwartz1420.00%
Francis Parks4180.00%
George Arfken3260.00%
Joe Kotche50100.00%
Shawn Hillman2340.00%
Stephanie Traub3260.00%
Stephen Jonke6460.00%

Angela Pecora

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey050.00%
Audrey Bonsignore2340.00%
Gregg Giblin3260.00%
Joe Kenney000.00%
Joe Kotche3260.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox000.00%
Shawn Hillman3260.00%
Stephen Jonke1420.00%

Audrey Bonsignore

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Angela Pecora3260.00%
Francis Parks000.00%
Gregg Giblin3260.00%
James Hudson000.00%
Joe Kosack2340.00%
Joe Kotche000.00%
Jose Chong1420.00%
Sarah Halik1420.00%
Shawn Hillman1420.00%

Barry Schwartz

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey4180.00%
Eric Holniker000.00%
Francis Parks3260.00%
George Arfken7370.00%
James Hudson4180.00%
Justin Bath1420.00%
Rob Thomas50100.00%
Todd Yoder50100.00%

Brian Nalley

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Eric Holniker050.00%
Joe Kosack1420.00%
Jose Chong000.00%
Molly Reisman3260.00%
Rob Thomas000.00%
Sarah Halik000.00%
Scott Sidley2340.00%
Shawn Hillman3260.00%
Todd Yoder000.00%

Eric Holniker

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Barry Schwartz000.00%
Brian Nalley50100.00%
James Hudson000.00%
Joe Kenney000.00%
Joe Kosack2340.00%
Joe Kotche3260.00%
Justin Bath000.00%
Sarah Halik000.00%
Stephanie Traub2340.00%

Francis Parks

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey1420.00%
Audrey Bonsignore000.00%
Barry Schwartz2340.00%
George Arfken5550.00%
James Hudson3260.00%
Joe Kenney3260.00%
Joe Kotche3260.00%
Stephanie Traub3260.00%

George Arfken

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey2340.00%
Barry Schwartz3730.00%
Francis Parks5550.00%
Joe Kenney4180.00%
Rob Thomas2340.00%
Stephanie Traub3260.00%
Todd Yoder4180.00%

Gregg Giblin

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Angela Pecora2340.00%
Audrey Bonsignore2340.00%
Joe Kenney2340.00%
Rob Thomas2340.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox5550.00%
Shawn Hillman2340.00%
Todd Yoder1420.00%

James Hudson

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Audrey Bonsignore000.00%
Barry Schwartz1420.00%
Eric Holniker000.00%
Francis Parks2340.00%
Joe Kosack000.00%
Joe Kotche3260.00%
Justin Bath050.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox000.00%
Stephen Jonke000.00%

Joe Kenney

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Angela Pecora000.00%
Eric Holniker000.00%
Francis Parks2340.00%
George Arfken1420.00%
Gregg Giblin3260.00%
Joe Kotche000.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox3260.00%
Stephanie Traub2340.00%

Joe Kosack

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Audrey Bonsignore3260.00%
Brian Nalley4180.00%
Eric Holniker3260.00%
James Hudson000.00%
Jose Chong1420.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox3260.00%
Sarah Halik1420.00%
Stephen Jonke2340.00%

Joe Kotche

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey050.00%
Angela Pecora2340.00%
Audrey Bonsignore000.00%
Eric Holniker2340.00%
Francis Parks2340.00%
James Hudson2340.00%
Joe Kenney000.00%
Stephanie Traub2340.00%
Stephen Jonke3260.00%

Jose Chong

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Audrey Bonsignore4180.00%
Brian Nalley000.00%
Joe Kosack4180.00%
Justin Bath1420.00%
Molly Reisman2340.00%
Rob Thomas1420.00%
Sarah Halik3260.00%
Scott Sidley1420.00%
Todd Yoder3260.00%

Justin Bath

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Barry Schwartz4180.00%
Eric Holniker000.00%
James Hudson50100.00%
Jose Chong4180.00%
Molly Reisman6460.00%
Sarah Halik4180.00%
Scott Sidley5550.00%

Molly Reisman

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Brian Nalley2340.00%
Jose Chong3260.00%
Justin Bath4640.00%
Sarah Halik3260.00%
Scott Sidley51033.33%
Shawn Hillman3260.00%

Rob Thomas

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Barry Schwartz050.00%
Brian Nalley000.00%
George Arfken3260.00%
Gregg Giblin3260.00%
Jose Chong4180.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox3260.00%
Todd Yoder9660.00%

Rob Wintler-Cox

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Angela Pecora000.00%
Gregg Giblin5550.00%
James Hudson000.00%
Joe Kenney2340.00%
Joe Kosack2340.00%
Rob Thomas2340.00%
Stephen Jonke1420.00%
Todd Yoder1420.00%

Sarah Halik

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Audrey Bonsignore4180.00%
Brian Nalley000.00%
Eric Holniker000.00%
Joe Kosack4180.00%
Jose Chong2340.00%
Justin Bath1420.00%
Molly Reisman2340.00%
Scott Sidley1420.00%

Scott Sidley

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Brian Nalley3260.00%
Jose Chong4180.00%
Justin Bath5550.00%
Molly Reisman10566.67%
Sarah Halik4180.00%
Shawn Hillman3260.00%

Shawn Hillman

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey3260.00%
Angela Pecora2340.00%
Audrey Bonsignore4180.00%
Brian Nalley2340.00%
Gregg Giblin3260.00%
Molly Reisman2340.00%
Scott Sidley2340.00%
Stephanie Traub3260.00%
Stephen Jonke2340.00%

Stephanie Traub

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey2340.00%
Eric Holniker3260.00%
Francis Parks2340.00%
George Arfken2340.00%
Joe Kenney3260.00%
Joe Kotche3260.00%
Shawn Hillman2340.00%
Stephen Jonke3260.00%

Stephen Jonke

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Alex Jeffrey4640.00%
Angela Pecora4180.00%
James Hudson000.00%
Joe Kosack3260.00%
Joe Kotche2340.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox4180.00%
Shawn Hillman3260.00%
Stephanie Traub2340.00%

Todd Yoder

OpponentLifetime WinsLifetime LossesPercentage
Barry Schwartz050.00%
Brian Nalley000.00%
George Arfken1420.00%
Gregg Giblin4180.00%
Jose Chong2340.00%
Rob Thomas6940.00%
Rob Wintler-Cox4180.00%

Machine Summaries by Player

Jump to - Alex Jeffrey - Angela Pecora - Audrey Bonsignore - Barry Schwartz - Brian Nalley - Eric Holniker - Francis Parks - George Arfken - Gregg Giblin - James Hudson - Joe Kenney - Joe Kosack - Joe Kotche - Jose Chong - Justin Bath - Molly Reisman - Rob Thomas - Rob Wintler-Cox - Sarah Halik - Scott Sidley - Shawn Hillman - Stephanie Traub - Stephen Jonke - Todd Yoder

Alex Jeffrey

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Alien Star (SJ - MD)89,75089,75089,7501
Demolition Man (SJ - MD)358,073,540358,073,540358,073,5401
Dialed In (BS - MD)355,330355,330355,3301
Earthshaker (JH - MD)4,514,3404,514,3404,514,3401
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)8,007,1708,007,1708,007,1701
Gorgar (JH - MD)115,490115,490115,4901
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)100,980100,980100,9801
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)38,792,24038,792,24038,792,2401
Mata Hari (BS - MD)68,19068,19068,1901
Mata Hari (SJ - MD)170,460170,460170,4601
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)337,440337,440337,4401
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)125,140125,140125,1401
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)1,198,370,4601,198,370,4601,198,370,4601
The Shadow (SJ - MD)347,322,530347,322,530347,322,5301
Voltan (SJ - MD)157,830157,830157,8301

Angela Pecora

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Earthshaker (JH - MD)698,120698,120698,1201
Genie (BS - MD)129,720129,720129,7201
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)1,525,5301,525,5301,525,5301
Gorgar (JH - MD)98,03098,03098,0301
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)106,020106,020106,0201
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)17,074,29017,074,29017,074,2901
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)12,165,93012,165,93012,165,9301
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)211,270211,270211,2701
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)367,980367,980367,9801
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)83,552,96083,552,96083,552,9601

Audrey Bonsignore

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Aerosmith PRO (JH - MD)62,546,50062,546,50062,546,5001
Genie (BS - MD)346,500346,500346,5001
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)4,457,1604,457,1604,457,1601
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)32,24032,24032,2401
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)22,131,29022,131,29022,131,2901
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)13,401,01013,401,01013,401,0101
Munsters - PRO (JH - MD)4,254,4804,254,4804,254,4801
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)104,100104,100104,1001
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)67,665,55067,665,55067,665,5501
Stars (JH - MD)30,40030,40030,4001

Barry Schwartz

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Aerosmith PRO (JH - MD)71,000,00071,000,00071,000,0001
Alien Star (SJ - MD)292,880292,880292,8801
Dialed In (BS - MD)43,98043,98043,9801
Gorgar (JH - MD)187,000187,000187,0001
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)131,250131,250131,2501
Harlem Globetrotters (JH - MD)76,00076,00076,0001
Kiss (JH - MD)338,000338,000338,0001
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)54,106,63054,106,63054,106,6301
Lord of the Rings (SJ - MD)18,053,74018,053,74018,053,7401
Mata Hari (BS - MD)253,600253,600253,6001
Rogo (SJ - MD)128,880128,880128,8801
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)319,340319,340319,3401
Six Million Dollar Man (JH - MD)36,00036,00036,0001
Space Invaders (SJ - MD)689,800689,800689,8001
Voltan (SJ - MD)121,550121,550121,5501

Brian Nalley

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Centaur (SJ - MD)93,57093,57093,5701
Earthshaker (JH - MD)5,538,8705,538,8705,538,8701
High Speed (SJ - MD)524,440524,440524,4401
Kiss (JH - MD)51,73051,73051,7301
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)42,56042,56042,5601
Paragon (SJ - MD)136,140136,140136,1401
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)24,03024,03024,0301
Special Force (JH - MD)267,890267,890267,8901
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)147,225,500147,225,500147,225,5001
Who Dunnit (SJ - MD)547,891,460547,891,460547,891,4601

Eric Holniker

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Centaur (SJ - MD)1,191,9101,191,9101,191,9101
Dialed In (BS - MD)385,390385,390385,3901
Genie (BS - MD)320,710320,710320,7101
High Speed (SJ - MD)1,108,4401,108,4401,108,4401
Mata Hari (BS - MD)44,70044,70044,7001
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)34,384,37034,384,37034,384,3701
Paragon (SJ - MD)195,180195,180195,1801
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)107,070107,070107,0701
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)105,620105,620105,6201
Who Dunnit (SJ - MD)912,628,800912,628,800912,628,8001

Francis Parks

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Centaur (SJ - MD)246,610246,610246,6101
Comet (JH - MD)844,220844,220844,2201
Dialed In (BS - MD)270,160270,160270,1601
Firepower (JH - MD)286,410286,410286,4101
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)913,210913,210913,2101
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)32,46032,46032,4601
Haunted House (SJ - MD)109,640109,640109,6401
High Speed (SJ - MD)362,630362,630362,6301
Lethal Weapon 3 (JH - MD)121,730,730121,730,730121,730,7301
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)101,820,370101,820,370101,820,3701
Lord of the Rings (SJ - MD)16,052,39016,052,39016,052,3901
Mata Hari (BS - MD)61,09061,09061,0901
Pink Panther (SJ - MD)224,820224,820224,8201
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)76,08076,08076,0801
Special Force (JH - MD)495,640495,640495,6401

George Arfken

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Alien Star (SJ - MD)139,520139,520139,5201
Comet (JH - MD)428,110428,110428,1101
Dialed In (BS - MD)139,770139,770139,7701
Firepower (JH - MD)62,75062,75062,7501
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)5,536,4605,536,4605,536,4601
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)162,130162,130162,1301
Lethal Weapon 3 (JH - MD)56,476,21056,476,21056,476,2101
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)8,296,1808,296,1808,296,1801
Lord of the Rings (SJ - MD)8,690,8708,690,8708,690,8701
Mata Hari (BS - MD)85,32085,32085,3201
Rogo (SJ - MD)46,89046,89046,8901
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)96,96096,96096,9601
Space Invaders (SJ - MD)235,050235,050235,0501
Special Force (JH - MD)770,720770,720770,7201
Voltan (SJ - MD)213,250213,250213,2501

Gregg Giblin

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Asteroid (SJ - MD)92,33092,33092,3301
Firepower (JH - MD)70,50070,50070,5001
Genie (BS - MD)136,520136,520136,5201
Gorgar (JH - MD)92,24092,24092,2401
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)113,380113,380113,3801
Harlem Globetrotters (JH - MD)55,51055,51055,5101
Kings & Queens (SJ - MD)8028028021
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)3,196,7903,196,7903,196,7901
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)8,381,9908,381,9908,381,9901
Mystic (JH - MD)109,740109,740109,7401
Old Chicago (SJ - MD)53,97053,97053,9701
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)227,850227,850227,8501
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)207,580207,580207,5801
Spectrum (SJ - MD)252,300252,300252,3001
Stars (JH - MD)55,40055,40055,4001

James Hudson

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Aerosmith PRO (JH - MD)30,000,00030,000,00030,000,0001
Centaur (SJ - MD)114,010114,010114,0101
Gorgar (JH - MD)88,00088,00088,0001
Harlem Globetrotters (JH - MD)41,00041,00041,0001
Haunted House (SJ - MD)166,000166,000166,0001
High Speed (SJ - MD)807,210807,210807,2101
Kiss (JH - MD)82,00082,00082,0001
Lord of the Rings (SJ - MD)5,603,6005,603,6005,603,6001
Pink Panther (SJ - MD)147,680147,680147,6801
Six Million Dollar Man (JH - MD)63,00063,00063,0001

Joe Kenney

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Asteroid (SJ - MD)178,050178,050178,0501
Comet (JH - MD)451,950451,950451,9501
Firepower (JH - MD)60,60060,60060,6001
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)1,030,0701,030,0701,030,0701
Kings & Queens (SJ - MD)3283283281
Lethal Weapon 3 (JH - MD)12,816,54012,816,54012,816,5401
Old Chicago (SJ - MD)73,12073,12073,1201
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)129,660129,660129,6601
Special Force (JH - MD)544,870544,870544,8701
Spectrum (SJ - MD)408,890408,890408,8901

Joe Kosack

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Aerosmith PRO (JH - MD)7,473,4007,473,4007,473,4001
Centaur (SJ - MD)779,210779,210779,2101
Dialed In (BS - MD)795,270795,270795,2701
Genie (BS - MD)72,47072,47072,4701
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)1,261,2701,261,2701,261,2701
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)63,93063,93063,9301
High Speed (SJ - MD)1,245,6601,245,6601,245,6601
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)42,149,65042,149,65042,149,6501
Mata Hari (BS - MD)208,640208,640208,6401
Munsters - PRO (JH - MD)28,991,42028,991,42028,991,4201
Paragon (SJ - MD)57,29057,29057,2901
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)322,490322,490322,4901
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)308,945,150308,945,150308,945,1501
Stars (JH - MD)47,75047,75047,7501
Who Dunnit (SJ - MD)3,913,537,3303,913,537,3303,913,537,3301

Joe Kotche

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Centaur (SJ - MD)323,740323,740323,7401
Dialed In (BS - MD)122,540122,540122,5401
Earthshaker (JH - MD)2,959,5402,959,5402,959,5401
Genie (BS - MD)170,000170,000170,0001
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)3,113,6303,113,6303,113,6301
Gorgar (JH - MD)71,57071,57071,5701
Haunted House (SJ - MD)65,11065,11065,1101
High Speed (SJ - MD)253,340253,340253,3401
Lord of the Rings (SJ - MD)4,513,8204,513,8204,513,8201
Mata Hari (BS - MD)52,89052,89052,8901
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)3,251,7803,251,7803,251,7801
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)82,78082,78082,7801
Pink Panther (SJ - MD)518,740518,740518,7401
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)245,460245,460245,4601
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)48,877,12048,877,12048,877,1201

Jose Chong

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Aerosmith PRO (JH - MD)13,259,59013,259,59013,259,5901
Dialed In (BS - MD)32,56032,56032,5601
Flash (SJ - MD)89,60089,60089,6001
Genie (BS - MD)214,380214,380214,3801
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)6,521,4806,521,4806,521,4801
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)144,370144,370144,3701
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)1,848,9701,848,9701,848,9701
Munsters - PRO (JH - MD)8,366,1008,366,1008,366,1001
Nine Ball (SJ - MD)359,320359,320359,3201
Safe Cracker (SJ - MD)342,700342,700342,7001
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)396,100396,100396,1001
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)185,860185,860185,8601
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)601,174,080601,174,080601,174,0801
Stars (JH - MD)76,50076,50076,5001
The Shadow (SJ - MD)14,621,32014,621,32014,621,3201

Justin Bath

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Aerosmith PRO (JH - MD)121,000,000121,000,000121,000,0001
Dialed In (BS - MD)244,370244,370244,3701
Flash (SJ - MD)218,920218,920218,9201
Genie (BS - MD)447,100447,100447,1001
Gorgar (JH - MD)191,000191,000191,0001
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)410,090410,090410,0901
Harlem Globetrotters (JH - MD)81,00081,00081,0001
Kiss (JH - MD)148,000148,000148,0001
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)13,332,24013,332,24013,332,2401
Mata Hari (BS - MD)453,120453,120453,1201
Nine Ball (SJ - MD)244,750244,750244,7501
Safe Cracker (SJ - MD)404,540404,540404,5401
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)722,540722,540722,5401
Six Million Dollar Man (JH - MD)205,000205,000205,0001
The Shadow (SJ - MD)988,636,450988,636,450988,636,4501

Molly Reisman

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Dialed In (BS - MD)368,770368,770368,7701
Earthshaker (JH - MD)3,432,7703,432,7703,432,7701
Flash (SJ - MD)252,640252,640252,6401
Genie (BS - MD)480,530480,530480,5301
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)130,940130,940130,9401
Kiss (JH - MD)53,84053,84053,8401
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)1,719,1101,719,1101,719,1101
Mata Hari (BS - MD)36,06036,06036,0601
Nine Ball (SJ - MD)135,970135,970135,9701
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)15,63015,63015,6301
Safe Cracker (SJ - MD)520,480520,480520,4801
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)240,330240,330240,3301
Special Force (JH - MD)1,158,8201,158,8201,158,8201
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)11,991,02011,991,02011,991,0201
The Shadow (SJ - MD)131,752,310131,752,310131,752,3101

Rob Thomas

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Alien Star (SJ - MD)192,180192,180192,1801
Dialed In (BS - MD)183,370183,370183,3701
Firepower (JH - MD)321,070321,070321,0701
Genie (BS - MD)366,180366,180366,1801
Gorgar (JH - MD)99,49099,49099,4901
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)129,500129,500129,5001
Harlem Globetrotters (JH - MD)167,050167,050167,0501
Lord of the Rings (SJ - MD)9,806,9409,806,9409,806,9401
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)10,430,75010,430,75010,430,7501
Mystic (JH - MD)41,53041,53041,5301
Rogo (SJ - MD)30,30030,30030,3001
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)787,460787,460787,4601
Space Invaders (SJ - MD)251,350251,350251,3501
Stars (JH - MD)41,59041,59041,5901
Voltan (SJ - MD)56,26056,26056,2601

Rob Wintler-Cox

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Asteroid (SJ - MD)162,890162,890162,8901
Dialed In (BS - MD)81,65081,65081,6501
Firepower (JH - MD)42,50042,50042,5001
Genie (BS - MD)189,430189,430189,4301
Gorgar (JH - MD)78,23078,23078,2301
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)53,03053,03053,0301
Harlem Globetrotters (JH - MD)35,70035,70035,7001
Kings & Queens (SJ - MD)2792792791
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)2,529,0502,529,0502,529,0501
Mata Hari (BS - MD)373,630373,630373,6301
Mystic (JH - MD)59,16059,16059,1601
Old Chicago (SJ - MD)57,38057,38057,3801
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)1,008,8501,008,8501,008,8501
Spectrum (SJ - MD)1,108,1101,108,1101,108,1101
Stars (JH - MD)68,10068,10068,1001

Sarah Halik

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Aerosmith PRO (JH - MD)80,545,58080,545,58080,545,5801
Dialed In (BS - MD)117,530117,530117,5301
Genie (BS - MD)124,620124,620124,6201
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)1,502,2501,502,2501,502,2501
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)101,980101,980101,9801
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)49,957,95049,957,95049,957,9501
Mata Hari (BS - MD)67,35067,35067,3501
Munsters - PRO (JH - MD)5,372,8105,372,8105,372,8101
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)312,010,220312,010,220312,010,2201
Stars (JH - MD)110,940110,940110,9401

Scott Sidley

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Dialed In (BS - MD)654,180654,180654,1801
Earthshaker (JH - MD)760,230760,230760,2301
Flash (SJ - MD)455,840455,840455,8401
Genie (BS - MD)199,010199,010199,0101
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)102,910102,910102,9101
Kiss (JH - MD)148,610148,610148,6101
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)28,345,59028,345,59028,345,5901
Mata Hari (BS - MD)259,440259,440259,4401
Nine Ball (SJ - MD)492,860492,860492,8601
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)424,240424,240424,2401
Safe Cracker (SJ - MD)1,042,6601,042,6601,042,6601
Sea Witch (SJ - MD)263,470263,470263,4701
Special Force (JH - MD)946,430946,429946,4291
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)11,777,09011,777,09011,777,0901
The Shadow (SJ - MD)598,283,850598,283,850598,283,8501

Shawn Hillman

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Alien Star (SJ - MD)271,870271,870271,8701
Demolition Man (SJ - MD)477,872,070477,872,070477,872,0701
Earthshaker (JH - MD)1,653,6701,653,6701,653,6701
Genie (BS - MD)45,00045,00045,0001
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)80,15080,15080,1501
Kiss (JH - MD)37,95037,95037,9501
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)30,167,64030,167,64030,167,6401
Mata Hari (SJ - MD)139,740139,740139,7401
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)48,602,65048,602,65048,602,6501
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)84,52084,52084,5201
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)269,940269,940269,9401
Special Force (JH - MD)241,940241,940241,9401
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)246,678,910246,678,910246,678,9101
The Shadow (SJ - MD)82,481,32082,481,32082,481,3201
Voltan (SJ - MD)187,880187,880187,8801

Stephanie Traub

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Alien Star (SJ - MD)111,440111,440111,4401
Comet (JH - MD)219,570219,570219,5701
Demolition Man (SJ - MD)166,605,990166,605,990166,605,9901
Dialed In (BS - MD)63,80063,80063,8001
Firepower (JH - MD)77,61077,61077,6101
Genie (BS - MD)200,570200,570200,5701
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)23,474,48023,474,48023,474,4801
Lethal Weapon 3 (JH - MD)46,656,55046,656,55046,656,5501
Mata Hari (BS - MD)216,590216,590216,5901
Mata Hari (SJ - MD)57,38057,38057,3801
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)73,249,78073,249,78073,249,7801
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)130,240130,240130,2401
Special Force (JH - MD)520,360520,360520,3601
The Shadow (SJ - MD)210,495,190210,495,190210,495,1901
Voltan (SJ - MD)253,020253,020253,0201

Stephen Jonke

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Alien Star (SJ - MD)91,56091,56091,5601
Demolition Man (SJ - MD)1,257,884,4401,257,884,4401,257,884,4401
Dialed In (BS - MD)497,440497,440497,4401
Earthshaker (JH - MD)2,023,9002,023,9002,023,9001
Genie (BS - MD)254,970254,970254,9701
Gilligan's Island (JH - MD)2,973,4002,973,4002,973,4001
Gorgar (JH - MD)261,200261,200261,2001
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)90,10090,10090,1001
Lord Of The Rings (BS - MD)63,807,93063,807,93063,807,9301
Mata Hari (BS - MD)117,760117,760117,7601
Mata Hari (SJ - MD)224,490224,490224,4901
Nitro Ground Shaker (JH - MD)225,900225,900225,9001
Star Wars - LE (JH - MD)33,638,60033,638,60033,638,6001
The Shadow (SJ - MD)85,984,15085,984,15085,984,1501
Voltan (SJ - MD)94,63094,63094,6301

Todd Yoder

MachineLifetime AverageLifetime HighLifetime LowLifetime Plays
Alien Star (SJ - MD)64,21064,21064,2101
Dialed In (BS - MD)236,130236,130236,1301
Firepower (JH - MD)82,85082,85082,8501
Genie (BS - MD)126,820126,820126,8201
Gorgar (JH - MD)151,630151,630151,6301
Harlem Globetrotters (BS - MD)75,75075,75075,7501
Harlem Globetrotters (JH - MD)78,86078,86078,8601
Lord of the Rings (SJ - MD)6,462,2906,462,2906,462,2901
Monster Bash Remake (BS - MD)5,798,1405,798,1405,798,1401
Mystic (JH - MD)78,65078,65078,6501
Rogo (SJ - MD)107,700107,700107,7001
Silverball Mania (BS - MD)136,780136,780136,7801
Space Invaders (SJ - MD)142,250142,250142,2501
Stars (JH - MD)63,51063,51063,5101
Voltan (SJ - MD)99,66099,66099,6601